
Specific Honorable Mentions for ULI Hines Competition

Specific Honorable Mentions

For excellent clarity of graphics

3336 – University of Pennsylvania - “GreenWalk”

Yirui Huang, Master of City Planning
Marcelo Mifano, Master of Business Administration
Liwen Mao, Master of Architecture
Yitian Wang, Master of Landscape Architecture
Wenqing Zhang, Master of Architecture

Faculty Adviser – David Gouveneur


Beijing opera types of facial makeup in DESIGN


Also see: http://www.kokkugia.com/  Teaching: Form + Algroith_ Upenn_09

Animation of pheromone- A from Liwen on Vimeo.

Animation of pheromone -B from Liwen on Vimeo.

The ant colony may amaze us with its capacity to grow and evolve. When we looked at neighbors and neighborhoods of ants nest, the world seem more attached to the communities of human settlement than microscopic domains of muscle cells or harvester ants. To define a complex organized configuration, two definition of script was needed to be mentioned. The first one will be investigation through pheromone system and how it can be applied to movement of agent from different starting points while the second would be the concern of making chambers and shaft. Therefore, as it can be seen through point cloud diagrams, those agents has to be defined through different layer in their movements and evolution. The way they are moving through their path, they are black spots and they define shaft. As far as they are change their color, layer and character they will be volumetric spots and define chambers through instancing various shapes.

Negotiable Hierarchy

This project finds potential geometries that arise within a swarm intelligence system. Such bottom up systems can not only create global complex phenomena but also unexpected smaller scale forms that give the designer more localized control within the system.  The project uses curves to negotiate between the hierarchies of ornament and structure based on local rules. The advantage of this methodology of form finding is that it can break the limit of human imagination and create unlimited yet reasonable forms by changing specific parameters.

Shown here are examples of final products: one gold and the other crystal. The gold one focuses on how the geometry interacts with external conditions, while the crystal one focuses on how different local rules can influence form. 

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